XLitePro - X-Server for Windows.
What is in XLitePro
XLitePro is an integrated and powerful 32-bit software tool consisting of the following functional parts:
XLitePro's XServer is the X-server implementation of the X11R6.51 release of the X Window System. An XServer is a program that emulates the X terminal on your PC. XServer allows you to run one or more X Window based client applications (X clients) that are resident on host computers. The host can be any computer that supports the X protocol across your TCP/IP network.
X client applications can be displayed in individual windows, as multiple windows contained in a single XServer's window, or in a full-screen mode outside the Microsoft Windows graphical environment. The first two methods include functions to copy and paste data between X clients and the Microsoft Windows clipboard.
While running the XServer, you can initiate a login session by using Telnet, XDMCP, or Startup (REXEC, RSH, RLOGIN) methods. You can launch several X-sessions that will be running simultaneously each with its own settings. The XServer can work on multi-monitors PCs.
The XServer provides German and/or French messages and text labels under the corresponding national version of MS Windows.
The XServer supports the following X Extensions:
- Extended-Visual-Information
- XinputExtension
- GLX for OpenGL
The XServer can connect to a remote LbxLoxy service (a Low Band Width X proxy) either by direct access to a remote host or through one of the established SSH1/SSH2 protocol connections as well.
The XServer can use Mesa, an open-source implementation of the OpenGL specification.
Startup is a program for automating host access with using the REXEC, RSH, or RLOGIN protocol. REXEC operations may be done either by direct access to a remote host or through one of the established SSH1/SSH2 protocol connections as well.
By using the Startup program, you can:
- enter one or more commands in a single line and execute them on a host
- run a local startup file (with a sequence of executable commands) on a host
- enter a command line to run a local executable file (e.g., telnet, some local X clients, etc) and execute it on your PC
- create/save/select/remove/open/execute startup jobs.
Startup job is a task with a certain set of parameters (start method, login information, command line, settings). You can create a job (i.e. store current parameters under a certain name). A job may be launched by clicking on its icon.
The following local X clients are supplied with the package: mwm (based on OpenMotif 2.0), xkill, xev, xclock, xshowcmap.
Font service
Fonts installed on your system can be used by any graphical X Window System application. A remote font server is started automatically with your graphical environment, and then all fonts installed on your system are automatically available to all of your X Window System applications. X clients request character information from the font server, which can return data in various formats, ensuring high quality display of a variety of font styles and sizes.
You can use your familiar host-based X fonts via XLitePro's Font Service. The Font Service utility provides:
- Rasterized fonts with outline data to all X applications
- Wide range of local X fonts (the standard font sets supplied by MIT along with X11 R6)
- Support for different locale 16-bits fonts including Chinese, Japanese, or Korean fonts, etc.
- Use of uncompressed PCF, SNF, and BDF format files as well as these fonts compressed with the 'compress' or 'gzip' utility
- Font Compiler to compile Microsoft Windows fonts into the X11 format
- Microsoft Windows fonts support in X-sessions.
Telnet-client - Telnet virtual terminal emulator
Telnet is a communications and terminal emulation program for logging into remote machine and executing commands in a remote machine. It allows you to connect to and communicate with hosts that support the Telnet protocol and run a Telnet service over an insecure channel.
While you are using Telnet, you can:
- initiate and control remote login sessions in the Telnet mode
- set some options for particular implementations of Telnet
- change fonts of text displayed in the Telnet window
- select a terminal emulation mode in the Telnet session.
The Telnet program can emulate XTERM, AT386, ANSI, VT52, VT100, VT125, VT220 and VT240 terminals for character-mode applications. Advanced users can edit the terminal capabilities description file to suit to the special environment.
By using the Keyboard Mapping option (i.e., keymap editor invoking), you can load, change (re-define keys and create a new keyboard layout), and save any keyboard definition file.